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Redeemed Church of Memphis Redeemed Church of Memphis
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Redeemed Church Vision
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Prayer at Redeemed Church

Redeemed Church Events

Welcome to Redeemed Church

Christ redeemed us from that self-defeating, cursed life... Gal 3:13

We are a community of believers that share a common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Centered on the principles of God, we strive to teach His Word in a creative manner that is relevant and most of all practical to your every-day life.

We’d love to have you join us at one of our encouraging & exciting services.  You will feel the presence of the Holy Spirit as we worship together through music, prayer, and the Word of God.  You’ll also have the opportunity to meet with a group of believers who will welcome you with open arms and make sure you feel loved.

Come as you are to worship and learn.  Everyone is welcome!